Technical features of hyperbaric filter and vacuum disc filter introduced in relation of dewatering of coal flotation concentrate; 介绍了加压过滤机和圆盘真空过滤机在浮选精煤脱水方面的工艺特点;
The former technique is used for reducing the excessive moisture of coking coal in case a larger proportion of flotation concentrate is blended. 炼焦煤调湿技术是针对炼焦煤中掺有比例较大的浮选精煤而导致水分过高所采取的降水调湿手段;
For metals, the prohibition in the first subsection does not apply to natural occurrences in coal, ore and ore concentrate. 对于金属,第一款中的禁止不适用于煤炭,矿石和精矿自然生成的情况。
In view of firing various kind of coal and changing load frequently in utility boiler, a new-type of swirl technology is introduced, that is, burner with swirl fuel rich and fuel lean separation by adding a element to concentrate pulverized coal in primary air duct. 针对电站锅炉燃用煤种多变和负荷多变的问题,提出了一种新型的旋流燃烧技术,即利用在一次风管中加装浓缩煤粉构件实行煤粉浓淡分离的旋流浓淡煤粉燃烧器。
For serious degrading coal slime, remarkable performance achieved that higher concentrate yield, lower concentrate ash and higher ash content in tailing. 在浮选泥化特别严重的煤泥时,取得了精煤产率高、精煤灰分低、尾煤灰分高的显著效果。
The Influence of Pulverized Coal Combustion Status on the Process of Pneumatic Drying of Nickel Concentrate 粉煤燃烧状况对镍精矿气流干燥工艺的影响
Increasing the ratio of coal injection is a trend for BF economical, high yield and high quality run, while concentrate is an assurance to realize large ratio of coal injection in BF. 提高喷煤比是高炉经济、高产、高质的发展方向,而精料又是高炉实现高喷煤比的保障。
Discussion on using coal instead of oil for Autogenous Smelting of secondary copper concentrate 自热熔炼二次铜精矿以煤代油的探讨
The reduction rate of iron ore pellets has been increased with decreasing the coal and iron ore concentrate size, increasing temperature and carbon oxygen mole ratio, but the above mentioned four factors have greater effect on reduction rate for pellets containing low volatile coal. 发现降低煤粉或铁精矿粉粒度,提高温度或碳&氧摩尔比可提高含煤球团的还原速度,且这4种因素对还原速度的影响程度随煤种挥发分的降低而增大。
Moisture of clean coal products is a factor that cannot be overlooked, as it affects the economic result of a cleaning plant. In this respect, the key is to reduce the higher moisture of flotation concentrate. 选煤厂的精煤产品水分是影响企业经济效益不可忽视的因素,而降低精煤产品水分关键是解决浮选精煤产品水分偏高的问题。
Application of Pulverized Coal by Concentrate and Prehead Burner Using in 670t/ h Boiler 煤粉浓缩预热型燃烧器在670t/h锅炉上的应用
Coal dimension has a weak effect on ignition-temperature under different oxygen concentrate. 同样不同氧气浓度下煤粉细度对着火温度的影响很小,且基本相近。